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Conducting & Teaching

In my present position as Associate Professor of Music Education at the University of Maryland School of Music, I teach undergraduate courses in secondary choral music education, graduate research methods, and conduct the University Treble Choir. I have guest conducted All-County, All-Region, and All-State Honor Choirs in Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

Choral Conducting

2018 Maryland Junior All-State Chorus

University of Maryland High School Choral Invitational

Current Teaching

  •    Treble Choir

    Auditioned ensemble comprising primarily soprano, mezzo-soprano, and alto singers from majors outside of music.

  •    Classroom Vocal Pedagogy

    Undergraduate course in vocal anatomy, physiology, and pedagogy for developing voices in choral and solo settings.

  •    Teaching Choral Music

    Undergraduate course in middle and high school choral teaching, including a weekly field experience teaching in a secondary school.

  •    Vocal Pedagogy for the Choral Conductor

    Graduate course in vocal anatomy, physiology, and pedagogy for developing voices in choral settings.

  •    Research Methods in Music Education

    Introductory graduate course in quantitative and qualitative approaches to music education research.

  •    Design & Analysis of Research in Music Education

    Advanced doctoral-level class in the design and analysis of research in music education, covering quantitative, qualitative, and other approaches.